Merrill Lynch & Co. About Merrill Lynch Merrill Lynch is one of the world’s leading financial management and advisory companies, with offices in 36 countries and total client assets of approxi-mately $ trillion. Through Global Markets and Investment Banking, the company is a leading global underwriter ofFile Size: KB Welcome to's Reddit Forex Trading Community! Here you can converse about trading ideas, strategies, trading psychology, and nearly everything in between! We also have one of the largest forex chatrooms online! /r/Forex is the official subreddit of, a Insurance and annuity products are offered through Merrill Lynch Life Agency Inc., a licensed insurance agency and wholly owned subsidiary of Bank of America Corporation. Trust and fiduciary services are provided by Bank of America Private Bank, a division of Bank of America, N.A., Member FDIC, or U.S. Trust Company of Delaware
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Kim Phạm. Download PDF Download Full PDF Package This paper. A short summary of this paper. For those who are not supplemental financial information. explains significant changes from year to year in the financial statements. employment or provide investment opportunities, meryll linch forex weekly report pdf. See also financial statements. statements; it is typically undertaken by a Certified Public Accountant CPA.
The Letter to Shareholders, 2 the Business Following is a brief description or overview Review and 3 the Financial Review. report date. It will On the other hand, the income statement be a public company generally, one can be thought of more like a motion pic- whose shares are formally registered with ture, since it reports on how a company the Securities and Exchange Commission performed during the period s presented [SEC] and actively traded.
to provide the most extensive amount The Statement of Changes of information in its annual reports. The SEC section of the balance sheet from period to is the major governmental body with period. meryll linch forex weekly report pdf American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [AICPA] and the exchanges The Statement of Cash Flows the securities trade on. Thus, the model company will be called Typical Manufacturing Company, The Footnotes Inc. The footnotes provide more detailed infor- mation about the financial statements.
From time to meryll linch forex weekly report pdf, these standards change and financial statements, described above, new ones are issued. At this writing, the FASB and the related footnotes. It will also is considering substantial changes to the current include some examples of methods that accounting rules in the areas of consolidations, investors can use to analyze the basic segment reporting, derivatives and hedging, meryll linch forex weekly report pdf, and financial statements in greater detail.
liabilities and equity. Information regarding current, Additionally, to illustrate how these con- revised or new rules can be obtained by writing or meryll linch forex weekly report pdf the Financial Accounting Standards Board, cepts apply to a hypothetical, but realistic Merritt 7, P. BoxNorwalk, CT business, this booklet will present andtelephone analyze the financial statements of a model company.
a one-year period. However, required by the SEC. Rather, booklet presents a listing of appropriate they are generally intended to be explana- generic footnote data for which a reader tory, illustrative or supplemental in nature. of financial statements should look. Accordingly, specific techni- annual report.
Typical Manufacturing Company, Inc. balance sheet for the previous year end is also presented. to outside parties and lenders. of its sections and the related line items within them will be examined one-by-one In the standard accounting model, the starting on page 9.
As such, both marized, this time numbering each of its halves are always in balance. They are line items or accounts. In the discussion also in balance because, from an econom- that follows, each line item and how it ic viewpoint, each dollar meryll linch forex weekly report pdf assets must be works will be explained. the balance sheet, the income statement Note: this is why this statement is called a will be analyzed using the same method- balance sheet. All dollar amounts relating to the financial statements are presented in thousands of dollars with the following meryll linch forex weekly report pdf 1 Per-share or share amounts are actual amounts; 2 actual amounts are used for accuracy of calculation in certain per-share computations; and 3 actual amounts are used in certain examples to illustrate a point about items not related to, nor shown in, the model financial statements.
These are be turned into cash within a year from the balance- short-term securities that are readily salable and sheet date.
Current assets are listed on the balance usually have quoted prices. Any changes in such values are included bank, cash on hand petty cash and highly liquid in earnings. Fair market value is the price at which securities such as Treasury bills, meryll linch forex weekly report pdf. a buyer and seller are willing to exchange an asset in other than a forced liquidation. is the date when debt instruments, such When goods are shipped to customers before as Treasury bills, are due and payable.
payment or collection, an account receivable These securities are reported at amor- is recorded. Customers are usually given 30, tized cost original cost adjusted for 60 or 90 days in which to pay.
premium less any principal payments However, experience shows that some received. Debt amortization is the customers fail to pay their bills for example, practice of adjusting the original cost because of financial difficultiesgiving rise of a debt instrument as principal pay- to accounts of doubtful collectibility. This ments are received and writing off any simply means it is unlikely that the entire purchase discount or premium to balance recorded as due and receivable will income over the life of the instrument.
be collected. They are for doubtful accounts is deducted from the recorded at fair value with unrealized total amount recorded. During the year, Typical paid fire insur- In valuing inventories, the lower of cost ance premiums and advertising charges for periods after the balance-sheet date, meryll linch forex weekly report pdf. Since or market rule or method is used. This Typical has the contractual right to that generally accepted rule or method values insurance and advertising service after the inventory at its cost or market price, balance-sheet date, meryll linch forex weekly report pdf, it has an asset, meryll linch forex weekly report pdf whichever is lower.
Here market value, will be used after year end. Of course, manufacture, as the case may be, with if these payments had not been made, certain exceptions.
This provides a the company would have more cash in conservative figure. The value for balance- the bank. Accordingly, payments made for sheet purposes under this method which the company had not yet received meryll linch forex weekly report pdf will be cost. However, where benefits, meryll linch forex weekly report pdf, but for which it will receive ben- deterioration, obsolescence, a decline efits within the year, are listed among cur- in prices meryll linch forex weekly report pdf other factors are expected rent assets as prepaid expenses.
to result in the selling or disposing of inventories below cost, the lower market 5 Prepaid expenses price would be used. Inventories, meryll linch forex weekly report pdf, determine individual product costs. when sold, become accounts receivable; When the individual costs for inventory receivables, upon collection, become cash; are added up, they comprise the inventory and the cash can then be used to pay the valuation.
equipment, furniture, automobiles and trucks. The generally accepted method The cost of acquired property, plant and for reporting fixed assets is cost minus equipment must be allocated over its the depreciation accumulated through the expected useful life, taking into date of the balance sheet. Depreciation consideration the factors discussed will be defined and explained further above. For example, suppose a delivery in discussing the next topic. The balance sheet at Furniture, fixtures, etc.
The cost to ultimately replace plant and equipment At the end of the second year it would at some future date might, and probably show: will, be higher. Deferred charges are expenditures for This amount is the total of accumulated items that will benefit future periods depreciation for buildings, machinery, beyond one year from the balance-sheet leasehold improvements and furniture date; for example, costs for introduction and fixtures.
Land is not subject to of a new product to the market or the opening of a new location. Deferred depreciation, and, generally, its reported charges are similar to prepaid expenses, balance remains unchanged from year but are not included in current assets to year at the amount for which it was because the benefit from such expendi- acquired.
tures will be reaped over periods after one year from the balance-sheet date. and equipment. As explained previously, Deferred charges would normally be it consists of the cost of the various assets included just before Intangibles in the Assets section of the balance sheet.
in this classification, less the depreciation accumulated to the date of the financial Intangibles statement net depreciated cost.
called extractive industries. Since Typical Manufacturing is not in any of these busi- Another intangible asset often found nesses, depletion is not shown in its finan- in corporate balance sheets is goodwill, cial statements.
As oil or other natural the fair value of the related net assets resources are used up or sold, depletion is acquired. managerial skills and so forth. all contractually specified amounts are fully collectible. In this case, however, the issuer is in a strong financial condition. Investment Securities This is evidenced in two ways. First, the Investments in debt securities are carried issuer made an unscheduled prepayment at amortized cost only when they qualify of principal.
As such, there is no they mature. Early in 19X9, Typical pur- reason to meryll linch forex weekly report pdf that all contractual chased on the New York Stock Exchange amounts will not be collected.
Thus, mortgage bonds issued by one of its major there is no impairment, and no write suppliers. These bonds are due in full in down is necessary. employees, interest on funds borrowed The relationship between the two is from banks and bondholders, fees to revealing.
This relationship will be attorneys and similar items.
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